Club Levels

Club Levels

Rush Soccer has established the Club Development Pathway. The objective for this pathway is to ensure that Rush Soccer is able to help all clubs mature to their desired potential through assessment, support, and education.

The pathway consists of 5 phases – Brand Expansion, On-Boarding, Club Connection, Maturation Pathway, and Support & Accountability.

The pathway will utilize the major programming of Rush Soccer including, Rush Expansion, Club Levels, Coaching Education, National Technical Directors, Rush Soccer Staff and the Accountability Chart.

Phase I: Expansion

  • Internal Growth
  • Growth Opportunities
    • Domestic Expansion
    • International Expansion

Phase II: On-Boarding

  • Governance
  • Administration
  • Marketing
  • Programming

Phase III: Club Connection

  • Club Levels > Maturation: Self Assessment
    • Club Development Plan
    • Best Practice Organization

Phase IV: Club Levels Maturation Pathway

  • Governance
  • Membership
  • High Performance
  • Marketing / Communication
  • Education
  • Revenue Management
  • Events
  • Administration

Phase V: Support & Accountability

  • Club Level Maturation Assessment
    • Activation Accountability
      • Review of Club Development Plan
        • Succession Plan
          • Model Club Status

Assigned Support Staff

The Rush Club Level program is intended as a step-by-step blueprint of the development of a Rush Club. The program will enable Rush Soccer to help our clubs build a Rush formatted club. In order to support all of our clubs domestically, Rush soccer has dedicated National Technical Directors (NTDs) assigned to clubs to act as their respective point of contact for communication, advice, and general support. They are advocates to help your Rush Club grow.