Accountability Chart

Accountability Chart


Below is a chart that upholds the Rush Core Value of Accountability by helping clubs develop and grow.  The chart outlines the calendar year requirements from National to our partner clubs. These are all important pieces of a club’s operations over the course of the year. The Accountability Chart will allow clubs to view requirements dates and deadlines in advance to help them submit information on time.  The chart will be color-coded as seen below in the key to reflect the status of each requirement by State.  The Accountability Chart will tie in closely with the Rush Club Levels program.  Refer to the Partnership Rebate Chart to view clubs’ savings through our Sponsors & Partners.

Clubs are responsible for keeping their contacts updated in the SPI Club Dashboard. This is the one-stop-shop to find contact details about all Rush Partner clubs.

*A club’s NTD has the authority to alter a grade with the program manager if need be.

** N/A above stands for Not Applicable. Club joined the Accountability Chart Program after N/A is listed above. All previous items are also considered N/A and will not be graded or counted against the club.

Please review the Accountability Chart Policies & Procedures as some policies have been updated.

Completed by due date.  100%
Completed After The Due Date 75%
Did Not Complete. 0%

Spring & Fall

Membership Numbers

Rush Soccer will collect each club’s player counts twice per year – spring season & fall season.  These numbers are used to bill the partner clubs SPI’s annual operating fee.  Numbers will be requested for Developmental, Competitive Under HS, & Competitive HS.  Developmental & Competitive HS players are billed twice per year while Competitive HS players are billed once per year.  A club’s membership numbers should match its uniform forecasts.  Your membership number submission will be submitted via the Dashboard.

Membership fees will be due a month following the collection of the clubs’ membership numbers.  A fee of 6% interest will be added on after the due date & each recurring month the fee is late.  The fee is used towards the SPI operating budget.

Your membership number submission will be requested via the Knack Dashboard with an email reminder request schedule as follows.

For more information contact Alex Palacios.

Spring Deadlines

1st Request – 3/22/24

2nd Request – 4/05/24

3rd Request – 4/19/24

Deadline – 4/22/24

Fall Deadlines

1st Request – 8/16/24

2nd Request – 9/06/24

3rd Request – 9/13/24

Deadline – 9/16/24

Spring Deadlines

1st Request – 3/18/24

2nd Request – 3/29/24

3rd Request – 4/05/24

Deadline – 4/12/24

Fall Deadlines

1st Request – 9/30/24

2nd Request – 10/14/24

3rd Request – 10/21/24

Deadline – 10/25/24

Spring & Fall

Registration Fields

In order to better serve our membership, Rush Soccer will request player registration information in order to build a specific distribution list for more efficient communications. The information will be collected and uploaded into an online database for use to communicate with membership.  As approved by vote during the Rush Summit in 2015, all Rush member clubs will submit data to SPI from your current registration system platform. These files will be collected and used by Rush Soccer to provide essential club information for Rush members. All members will have the option to safely unsubscribe from these emails if they wish to do so.

Twice a year, each member club will download their membership’s registration information into an Excel spreadsheet or CSV (Comma Separated Values). The member club will include all competitive and recreational players. If you are submitting for multiple clubs please keep them on separate spreadsheets to avoid confusion. These files will be collected and sent through the SPI-preferred Communication Platform and not shared with any outside entities. Details can be found in this document Mass Communication usage:

There will be an email reminder request with all the details on the adjacent schedule.

For more information contact Mallorie McDowell.


Coaches Registration

In order to better serve our membership, Rush Soccer will request coaches registration information in order to build a specific distribution list for more efficient communications. The information will be collected and uploaded into an online database for use to communicate with membership.  As approved by vote during the Rush Summit in 2015, all Rush member clubs will submit data to SPI from your current registration system platform. These files will be collected and used by Rush Soccer to provide essential club information for Rush members. All members will have the option to safely unsubscribe from these emails if they wish to do so.

Once a year, each member club will download their membership’s registration information into an Excel spreadsheet or CSV (Comma Separated Values). The file will be collected and sent through the SPI preferred Communication Platform and not shared with any outside entities. Details can be found in this document Mass Communication usage:

There will be an email reminder request with all the details on the adjacent schedule.

For more information contact Pablo Toledo.

Fall Deadlines

1st Request – 10/01/24

2nd Request – 10/15/24

3rd Request – 10/22/24

Deadline – 10/30/24

Spring Deadlines

1st Request – 4/22/24

2nd Request – 5/5/24

3rd Request – 5/19/24

Deadline – 5/22/24

Fall Deadlines

1st Request – 9/16/24

2nd Request – 9/30/24

3rd Request – 10/14/24

Deadline – 10/18/24

Spring & Fall

Membership Fees

Membership fees will be due a month following the collection of the clubs’ membership numbers.  A fee of 6% interest will be added on after the due date & each recurring month the fee is late.

As of July 1, 2019, Developmental & Competitive Under High School will pay $9 twice a year, while Competitive High School will pay $18 once a year.

The fee is used towards the SPI operating budget.

The email request reminders will go out as follows.

For more information contact Nik Penn.

Fall & Summer

Elite Player Program

Twice a year Rush Soccer will request that each club login into their dashboard and enter in their most elite players within their club. The starting point for the players that should be entered are players that are strong enough to play at the Regional Select team level and up. Every club must enter in all players that are at this level and above. Even if they do not participate in Rush Select, we need the top players in the database to keep providing them more high-level opportunities.

For more information contact Jacob Lissek.

Summer Deadlines

1st Request – 6/10/24

2nd Request – 6/25/24

3rd Request – 7/05/24

Deadline – 7/10/24

Fall Deadlines

1st Request – 10/01/24

2nd Request – 10/15/24

3rd Request – 10/28/24

Deadline – 11/01/24

Annual Deadlines

1st Request – 3/17/24

2nd Request – 5/14/24

3rd Request – 6/14/24

Deadline – 7/12/24


Summit Attendance

The Rush Summit is a three-day conference for Rush Technical Directors, administrators, and other staff members. Topics change from year to year but address current issues that Rush Clubs are facing with suggestions on how to address and improve all aspects of each organization. A representative from every club is expected to be in attendance.

Your Rush Summit attendance will be noted by taking attendance at the event, but an email reminder with registration information will be scheduled as follows:

For more information contact Michael Ritch.

Every Other Year

Uniform Forecast

Every other year, SPI’s uniform committee works with Capelli to create the uniform line for the upcoming cycle.  Uniform forecasts will be collected every other year on a two-year buying cycle.  New clubs & mergers that occur mid-cycle will go into the inline (developmental) uniform kit.  Clubs must forecast within 15% of their purchases for the following cycle.  Clubs will receive the forecast document from the program manager.

For more information contact Alex Palacios.


1st Request – 6/19/24

2nd Request – 6/30/24

3rd Request – 7/14/24

Deadline – 7/21/24

Annual Deadline

1st Request – 8/07/24

2nd Request – 8/21/24

3rd Request – 9/08/24

Deadline – 9/11/24


Coach's Gear Forecast

Each year, SPI’s uniform committee works with Capelli to create the Rush Soccer coaches gear line for the following year.  There will be some mandatory items and some optional.  Coach’s gear forecasts will be collected once a year.  The SPI program manager will provide each club with its order form and total dollar amount.  The promo coach’s gear amount is based on a club’s uniform forecasts/purchases.  If a club does not submit its forecast on time, the program manager has the ability to submit it on that club’s behalf.

Your Coach’s Gear Forecast submission will be requested via email with an attached document with an email reminder request schedule as follows.

For more information contact Alex Palacios.


Tournament Information

Tournament data will be collected from all clubs once a year.  This information requested is used for current/potential sponsors and to split up the tournament promo dollars.  The tournament promo dollars are split up based on the size & level of competition of each tournament. To receive your tournament allotment, each event must use Wilson Trophy for awards and turn in the accepted applicants registration information from the previous years tournament.


  1. Login to the Club Dashboard (go to > SPI Club Development tab dropdown > Club Dashboard link)
  2. Click the Tournaments & Events menu button
  3. Click the Add Tournament button
  4. Once tournaments are added, they will populate into the table, where you can view all the info.
Starting in 2023, promo will be allocated based on the previous year’s total number of teams.  You will submit your tournament registrations to the Tournament Director at the end of the year so we can verify the number of teams.

For more information contact John Carroll.

Annual Deadline

1st Request – 10/09/24

2nd Request – 10/23/24

3rd Request – 11/06/24

Deadline – 11/08/24


TD Con Calls

TD Con Calls: The House of Representative’s con calls will be conducted monthly each year.  These calls will take place at 12pm MST.  Agendas will be sent out prior to the calls.